Sunday, December 30, 2018

Butterfly Dream: Blossom Flurry Haiku by Pamela A. Babusci

English Original

blossom flurry ...
shrouding Buddha
with a handmade parasol

2004, Ueno Bashô Festival Contest

Pamela A. Babusci

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

群花亂舞 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

群花乱舞 ...

Bio Sketch

Pamela A. Babusci  is an internationally award winning haiku, tanka poet and haiga artist. Some of her awards include: Museum of Haiku Literature Award, International Tanka Splendor Awards, First Place Yellow Moon Competition (Aust) tanka category,  First Place Kokako Tanka Competition,(NZ) First Place Saigyo Tanka Awards (US), Basho Festival Haiku Contests (Japan).  Pamela has illustrated several books, including: Full Moon Tide: The Best of Tanka Splendor Awards, Taboo Haiku, Chasing the Sun, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, and A Thousand Reasons 2009. Pamela was the founder and now is the solo Editor of Moonbathing: a journal of women’s tanka; the first all women’s tanka journal in the US.


  1. The contrasts (movement vs stillness; transient beauty vs centuries-old statue; natural vs religious/man-made ...) between Ls 1&2 are visually and thematically significant, and the unexpected yet emotionally powerful last line reveals something significant about the narrator's religious beliefs.

  2. many thx Chen-ou for posting my haiku & your thoughtful commentary

