Saturday, May 25, 2024

Poetic Musings: Dinner for One Haiku by Joshua Gage

dinner for one ...
the budding cherry now
just another tree

First Place,  First Annual Solitary Daisy Haiku Contest

Joshua Gage

Commentary: L 1sets the tone and mood of the haiku while unexpected yet visually and emotionally contrasting Ls 2&3 invoke a sense of loss, hinting at the narrator's state of mood/mind: things that used to be alluringly beautiful now don't matter anymore. But, why? One simple yet thematically and emotionally significant question left to the reader's imagination and reflection.

The following two haiku might provide some of possible answers:

without you
the cherry blossoms a memory
of cherry blossoms

Sakura Award, 2016 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational

Tom Drescher

blossom rain
already a memory
and yet ...

Second Place, New Zealand Poetry Society International Competition, 2023

Chen-ou Liu

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