Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Glass Shard Haiku by Robert D. Wilson

English Original

sultry night ...
a glass shard blinks
at the stars

Ambrosia, 5, Winter 2010

Robert D. Wilson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

悶熱的夜晚 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

闷热的夜晚 ...

Bio Sketch

Robert D. Wilson is Co-Owner of Simply Haiku.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fine example of mood haiku infused with visually and emotionally evocative imagery.

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my haiku below:

    shelter entrance
    under the snow moon
    shards of glass glinting

    Plum Tree Tavern, February 22, 2023
