Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Biting NOT Barking: Ceasefire Haiku by Natalia Kuznetsova

English Original

ceasefire ...
over snowbound minefields
first shooting star

Poets Salon, December 19, 2023

Natalia Kuznetsova

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

停火 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified) 

停火 ...

Bio Sketch

Living in Moscow, Russia, Natalia Kuznetsova is a teacher of English and freelance interpreter. Before discovering the haiku world, she wrote poetry in Russian. She started writing tanka and mostly haiku in English in 2007, and participated in numerous competitions worldwide and won some awards. She contributes regularly to World Haiku Review, Asahi Haikuist Network, Daily Haiku, Poetry Pea and other traditional and on-line publications. She was included on the list of "European Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors" from 2010 to 2023.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the theme and mood while visually evocative and symbolically rich image of Ls 2&3 might provide a glimpse of light in dark times of war.

    And it could be read as a sequel to the following haiku:

    Plough Moon ...
    stretching across farm fields
    the front line

    Haiku Dialogue, March 8,2023

    Natalia Kuznetsova
