Monday, August 5, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Hot Spring Haiku by Nicole Pottier

English Original

hot spring --
a mountain breeze
ruffles my hair

Haiku Foundation, 2020

Nicole Pottier

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

溫泉 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

温泉 --

Bio Sketch

Nicole Pottier lives in Normandy, France. Her haiku poems and photo-poems have been published in many languages. She’s a member of the board of The Haiku journal, edited by the  Romanian Society of Haiku, and a redactor for the magazine, Albatross, published by the Haiku Society of Constanta.

1 comment:

  1. Therer is an emotional undercurrent running through multi-sensorily evocayive imagery despicted in this shasei haiku. And the image of Ls 2&3, a woman with ruffled hair, is visually sensual and symbolically rich.
