Thursday, August 29, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Tea Rose Haiku by Christine L.Villa

English Original

a tea rose trembles
with the smell of rain ...
anti-seizure pills

Christine L. Villa

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

一朵茶玫瑰顫抖不止 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

一朵茶玫瑰颤抖不止 ...

Bio Sketch

An animated story teller and an artist by nature, Christine L. Villa dabbles in children's writing, Japanese short-form poetry, and photography. She is the founder and editor of Frameless Sky -- a video journal showcasing poets, artists, and musicians in collaborative projects. She blogs her haiku, tanka, and haiga at Blossom Rain.

1 comment:

  1. The implied, multi-sensory contrast between a tea rose trembl[ing] in L1 and a patient having seizure (as indicated in L3) is poignantly fresh and effective.

    And the significance, visual and symbolic, of a rain-streaked "tea rose" (as indicated in Ls 1&2) enhances the emotional strength of this haiku.
