Saturday, September 7, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Lotus Pond Haiku by David He

English Original

lotus pond
a frog's song vibrates
the other world

David He

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

David He has been working as an advanced English teacher for 35 years in a high school in China. So far he has published  twenty short stories in English. In recent years he has published haiku and tanka in print journals and e-zines, including Acorn, The Heron’s Nest, Frogpond, Ribbons and Cattails.

1 comment:

  1. The twist in L3 adds a spiritual/religious bent to this frog haiku when evaluated in the Buddhist context of "lotus pond" (often associated with purity and spiritual awakening/enlightenment) and "other world" (or "other shore, a literary phrase used in Buddhist texts")

    Technically speaking, David's fine haiku reminds me of the following one:

    pulling light
    from the other world ...
    the Milky Way

    Yatsuka Ishihara, a revered Japanese haiku master who claimed, "A haiku should present the truth as if it were fiction," at the 1995 HSA-HI Chicago Conference

    FYI: For more about Yatsuka Ishihar's work, see "Dark Wings of the Night: Yatsuka Ishihara and His Theory of Introspective Shaping," accessed at

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my haiku (allusive to Basho's frog haiku) below:

    lotus pond …
    all that remains
    of frog song

    Haibun Today, 12:2, June 2018

    FYI: This is the concluding haiku of my haibun, "The Old Man Who Read Basho," accessed at
