Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Butterfly Dream: Cherry Blossom Haiku by Nancy Nitrio

English Original

in the fold
of my kimono --
a dried cherry blossom          

Honorable Mention, 2010 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

Nancy Nitrio

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

摺縫裡 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

摺縫裡 --

Bio Sketch

Nancy Nitrio began writing haiku in 2007.  Her haiku has been published in various paper and online journal here in the USA and internationally. She has placed second in May 2009 Shiki Monthly Kukai.  She was runner-up in the Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar Contest 2009 and Honorable Mention in the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2010. She lives in the Sacramento Valley region of central California with her husband of 44 years and five cats. She also enjoys the practice of Ikebana and origami.

1 comment:

  1. For anyone who is versed in Japanese classical literature, especially in classical haiku, "a dried cherry blossom in the fold of [one's] kimono, functioning like "the madeleine" in Proust's In Search of Lost Time, triggers the remembrance of things past. What's left unsaid in the poem is far more significant that what's said.

    Here is the link to the most famous example in Proust's work: "episode of the madeleine."
