Thursday, May 9, 2013

Butterfly Dream: Widow Haiku by June Rose Dowis

English Original

the moment between
waking and remembering
a widow’s first morn

On Our Own: Widowhood for Smarties, 2012

June Rose Dowis

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

June Rose Dowis reads, writes, and resides in Shreveport, Louisiana.  A love of nature, a heart for the underdog, and a slice of everyday life find their way into her haiku.   Her work has been published in Ouachita Life, Acorn, A Hundred Gourds and anthologies, On Our Own-Widowhood for Smarties and  Harbingers of Hope in Hard Times.  She was also a winner of the Highway Haiku Contest in Shreveport with her haiku gracing a billboard.

1 comment:

  1. The unexpected yet powerful last line enhances the inner tension between "waking" and "remembering." And the use of "first" also adds emotional weight to the poem.
