Thursday, January 8, 2015

One Man's Maple Moon: New Neighbour Tanka by Marilyn Humbert

English Original

our new neighbours
insist on an unrestrained
public display --
dingo moon and I
remain silent

Moonbathing, 10, Spring/Summer 2014

Marilyn Humbert

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

的公開展示 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

的公开展示 --

Bio Sketch

Marilyn Humbert lives in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney NSW surrounded by bush. Her pastimes include writing free verse poetry, tanka, tanka prose and related genre. She is the leader of Bottlebrush Tanka Group and member of the Huddle and Bowerbird Tanka Groups. Her tanka appears in Australian and international journals.

1 comment:

  1. The upper verse sets the thematic context of the poem while the culturally specific yet rich image in the lower verse enhances the tone and mood.

    This tanka reminds me of the closing line from one of the most famous poems on neighborly relationships by Robert Frost:

    He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."

    In this case, it's good HIGH fences that make good neighbors

    Note: Dingo: "a wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-colored coat, found in Australia. It is believed to have been introduced by early Aboriginal immigrants... In animal symbolism, dingo symbolizes adaptability and change."
