Wednesday, January 13, 2016

One Man's Maple Moon: White Lotus Roots Tanka by Pamela A. Babusci

English Original

white lotus roots
into pulp . . .
the more i gave
the more he wanted

Ribbons, 3:4, winter 2007

Pamela A. Babusci 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

成汁 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

成汁 ...

Bio Sketch

Pamela A. Babusci  is an internationally award winning haiku, tanka poet and haiga artist. Some of her awards include: Museum of Haiku Literature Award, International Tanka Splendor Awards, First Place Yellow Moon Competition (Aust) tanka category,  First Place Kokako Tanka Competition,(NZ) First Place Saigyo Tanka Awards (US), Basho Festival Haiku Contests (Japan).  Pamela has illustrated several books, including: Full Moon Tide: The Best of Tanka Splendor Awards, Taboo Haiku, Chasing the Sun, Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka, and A Thousand Reasons 2009. Pamela was the founder and now is the solo Editor of Moonbathing: a journal of women’s tanka; the first all women’s tanka journal in the US.

(Editor's Note: This is the last tanka accepted in 2014 for consideration for inclusion in One Man's Maple Moon, Volume II. The next "One Man's Maple Moon" post will be the tanka accepted in 2015. Sorry for the delay in posting tanka for 2015. It's mainly because  a lot of poets submitted their tanka just shortly before or by the 2014 deadline)

1 comment:

  1. Pamela's effective use of syntactic parallelism foregrounds the thematic concern (the negative [inequity in give and take] aspect of a relationship)and infuses the poem with multiple meanings. And on the second read, the riveting image in the upper verse could be read as a symbol of the negative impact of this unbalanced relationship.

    Note: for more info. about the use of parallelism, see "To the Lighthouse: A Rhetorical Device, Parallelism,"
