Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Plastic Bag Haiku by Ken Sawitri

English Original

with the plastic bag
a stork wraps the moon
on its head

Every Chicken, Cow, Fish and Frog: Animal Rights Haiku, 2016

Ken Sawitri

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch 

Ken Sawitri completed her degree in psychology at the Universitas Indonesia in 1993. Her haiku won the Second Prize in the 2013 Diogen Summer Haiku Contest. In January 2018 her work was awarded as NHK Haiku Master of Week 4. She dedicated her haiku to her motherland  in Listen The Spice Whispers, Haiku from Indonesian Archipelago and recorded her journey in the haiku posted at http://thisissawitri.blogspot.com


  1. Ken's haiku effectively builds, line by line, to a thematically significant and visually poignant ending that reveals the timely, environmentally-conscious theme of plastic pollution.

    A fine, imagistic ochibutsu shitate!

    ... For example, Kyorai argues that, although combining different topics are important, “it [doesn’t] take precedence over other techniques and that Basho also [composes] ‘single-object’ (ichibutsu shitate) poem, which [focuses] on a single topic and in which the hokku [flows] smoothly from start to finish, without the leap or gap found in the composition poem" (Ibid., p. 111)...
    -- excerpted from my "To the Lighthouse" post, "Ichibutsu Shitate (One-Image/Object/Topic Haiku)," accessed at http://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.com/2015/01/to-lighthouse-ichibutsu-shitate-one.html

  2. Dear Chen-ou,

    Very honoured that my work is considered.
    Thank you for letting me know about the 'ichibutsu shitate'.

    Wish you all the best,
    my bow,

    Ken Sawitri
