Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Owl's Wing Haiku by Jane Reichhold

English Original

a handful of moonlight
the owl's wing

A Dictionary of Haiku, 1992

Jane Reichhold

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Jane Reichhold was born as Janet Styer in 1937 in Lima , Ohio , USA . She had published over thirty books of haiku, renga, tanka, and translations. Her latest tanka book, Taking Tanka Home was translated into Japanese by Aya Yuhki. Her most popular book is Basho The Complete Haiku by Kodansha International. As founder and editor of AHA Books, Jane also published Mirrors: International Haiku Forum, Geppo, for the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society, and she had co-edited with Werner Reichhold, Lynx for Linking Poets since 1992. Lynx went online in 2000 in the web site Jane started in 1995. Since 2006 she had maintained an online forum – AHAforum

1 comment:

  1. ... The Technique of Association - This can be thought of as "how different things relate or come together." The Zen of this technique is called "oneness" or showing how everything is part of everything else. You do not have to be a Buddhist to see this; simply being aware of what is, is illumination enough.

    a handful of moonlight
    the owl’s wing

    The main association is between ‘hand’ and ‘wing’ with a minor one between ‘owl’ and ‘moonlight’. The several ‘o’ sounds also add to the associations...

    -- ezxcerpted from "Bare Bones School of Haiku" by Jane Reichhold, accessed at
