Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Empty Shell Haiku by Marian Olson

English Original

wave after wave
         taking back
                   the empty shell

First Place, 2001 HEA International Contest

Marian Olson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Marian Olson, non-fiction writer and widely published international poet, was the author of nine books of poetry, including the award winning haiku in Songs of the Chicken Yard, Desert Hours, Consider This, and Moondance.  Published in 2017, The Other and Kaleidoscope were her first books of tanka.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fine example of ichibutsu shitate:

    ... Kyorai argues that, although combining different topics are important, “it [doesn’t] take precedence over other techniques and that Basho also [composes] ‘single-object’ (ichibutsu shitate) poem, which [focuses] on a single topic and in which the hokku [flows] smoothly from start to finish, without the leap or gap found in the composition poem" (Ibid., p. 111)...

    ... The Master said: “A hokku that moves smoothly from the opening five syllables to the end is a superb verse.”
    Shado remarked: “The Master once told me, ‘The hokku is not, as you believe, something that brings together two or three different things. Compose the hokku so that it flows like gold being hit and flattened by a hammer …”
    Kyorai: “If a poet composes by combining separate things, he can compose many verses and compose them quickly. Beginning poets should know this. But when one becomes an accomplished poet, it is no longer a question of combining or not combining …” (Ibid., p. 111)...

    -- excerpted from my "To the Lighthouse" post, "Ichibutsu Shitate (One-Image/Object/Topic Haiku)," accessed at http://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.com/2015/01/to-lighthouse-ichibutsu-shitate-one.html

    And the visually evocative and symbolic rich image of sea waves ebbing over the empty shell adds analogical significance to the haiku.
