Friday, April 10, 2020

One Man's Maple Moon: Shoreline Tanka by Pravat Kumar Padhy

English Original

thin twilight
along the shoreline
leaving behind
the silent reflections
of scattered seashells

Cattails, September 2015

Pravat Kumar Padhy

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Pravat Kumar Padhy hails from Odisha, India. He holds Masters in Science and Technology and a Ph.D from IIT- Dhanbad. His literary work cited in Spectrum History of Indian Literature in English, Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Poetry, Cultural and Philosophical Reflections in Indian Poetry in English, etc. His Japanese short forms of poetry appeared in various international journals and anthologies. His tanka, ‘I mingle’ is featured in the “Kudo Resource Guide”, Cal Performances, University of California, Berkeley, 2014/2015 Season.His haiku won Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Honourable Mention Award, Canada, UNESCO International Year of Water Co-operation, The Kloštar Ivanić International Haiku Contest, Creatrix Haiku Commendation Award, IAFOR Vladimir Devide Haiku Award and 7th Setouchi Matsuyama International Photo Haiku Award. 

1 comment:

  1. The cumulative effects of these evocative phrases, "thin twilight," "silent reflections," and "scattered seashells," add symbolic significance and emotional weight to this sea tanka, which could be read as a sequel to the following poem:

    the ocean
    roars relentlessly
    in an empty conch
    I never understood
    my father’s rage

    Kokako, 18, April 2013

    Luminita Suse
