Saturday, November 23, 2024

Poetic Musings: Blue Jazz Haiku by Richard Wright

From a tenement,
The blue jazz of a trumpet
Weaving autumn mists.

Haiku: This Other World, 1998

Richard Wright

Commentary: Richard Wright uses images skillfully in his haiku to produce a montage effect for the reader to sense the interaction between nature and human. This haiku focuses on the essence of a moment when non-human nature is connected to human nature through the interaction between visual and auditory images. The poet not only literally hears the sound of a trumpet but sees it weaving autumn mists in his imagination as well. He creates an intangible quality of peaceful atmosphere and mood with tangible words in this haiku and thus challenges the reader to appreciate it aesthetically based on the interaction of the senses... excerpted from Sensibility to Nature in Richard Wright's Haiku


  1. My haiku below could be read as its sequel:

    Harlem blues
    a saxophone note
    lengthens the night

    Chrysanthemum, 21, Spring 2011

    Chen-ou Liu

  2. A great Haiku artist...
