Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Poetic Musings: Full Moon Haiku by T. D. Ingram

the brightness
of the full moon
deepens the cold

Hiss of Leaves, 2012

T. D. Ingram

Commentary: Ingram’s effective use of cutting (through the fine choice of a verb phrase) and synesthesia make a successful shift from the physical/outer world (portrayed in a natural scene) to the mental/inner one (indicating the implied speaker’s state of mood). The contrasts between these two worlds are psychologically effective. This ichibutsu shitate (one-image/object/topic haiku) reminds me of one of Basho’s:

over the evening sea
the wild ducks' cry
is faintly white

FYI: For more information about ichibutsu shitate, see my "To the Lighthouse" post, Ichibutsu Shitate (One-Image/Object/Topic Haiku), and read the full text of my review of  Hiss of Leaves.

1 comment:

  1. For an in-depth analysis of Basho wil ducks haiku, see my "Poetic Musings" post,"Wild Ducks Haiku by Basho," accessed at https://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.com/2016/07/poetic-musings-wild-ducks-haiku-by-basho.html
