Saturday, May 22, 2021

Cool Announcement: A Freebie, The Tang of Nasturtiums by Carole MacRury

My Dear Friends:

The award-winning e-book, The Tang of Nasturtiums, written by NeverEnding Story contributor, Carole MacRury, is available to read free online.
Author Bio: Carole MacRury resides in Point Roberts, Washington, a unique peninsula and border town that inspires her work.  She is the author of In the Company of Crows: Haiku and Tanka Between the Tides and The Tang of Nasturtiums, an award-winning e-chapbook.  

Selected Tanka:
in my closet
clothes for all occasions
yet the years
it took to be comfortable
in my own skin

this beach glass
scoured a cloudy blue
so like your eyes
fading and emptying
to a relentless tide

in this tin box
of unmatched buttons
one baby tooth—
her lifelong attachment
for things detached

 a light rain
upon leaf mulch—
an old grief
mingles with the scent
of late autumn

And Please join NeverEnding Story to expand the readership base for tanka by tweeting at least one tanka a day throughout the month of May. The hashtags for Tanka Poetry Month are #MayTanka and #NaTankaMo.

Help spread the word about this celebration via your poetry blogs, websites, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts. And NeverEnding Story seeks tanka submissions

Happy Reading



  1. What a lovely surprise! I nearly missed it with my involvement with Haiku Canada Zoom meeting. My grateful thanks Chem-ou.
