Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Cool Announcement: A Freebie, Sci-Ku by Jay Friedenberg

My Dear Readers:

Jay Friedenberg, current president of the Haiku Society of America (HSA), has a free eBook out: Sci-Ku: Explorations into the Poetry of Science. His collection of sci-ku is structured into nine sections/thematic topics -- Mathematic, Physic, Tectonic, Geologic, Climatic, Atmospheric, Lunaric, Solaric, and Astronomic -- that explore brave new worlds at the interface of science and poetry. And a complete glossary of all scientific terms is included as well as a reference list.

Selected Sci-Ku:

firefly flashes
the world beyond
Boolean logic

quantum foam
the hiss and pop
of settling surf

the fossilized remains
of a beer can

on the way
between here and home - 
glacial erratic

stellar phenomena
my thoughts travel
in an elliptical orbit

the sudden flare
of rear end lights

gravitational waves ...
listening to the heartbeat
of the universe

expanding multiverse
a clown blows balloons
inside balloons

I would like to share the following haiku to conclude today's "sci-ku" post:

a midnight river 
of Starlink satellites ...
an Inuit child's wish

Happy Reading



1 Is Starlink a grand innovation or a menace?, Space, January 7, 2022

Starlink is the name of a satellite network developed by the private spaceflight company SpaceX to provide low-cost internet to remote locations. SpaceX eventually hopes to have as many as 42,000 satellites in this so-called megaconstellation... 

2 For more about scifaiku/sci-ku, see To the Lighthouse: Scifaiku (Sci-Fi Haiku)

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