Thursday, April 6, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Coin-Shaped Eyes Haiku by Isabel Caves

English Original

door to door
the coin-shaped eyes
of a girl scout

Haiku Pea Podcast, Series 2, Episode 2

Isabel Caves

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified) 


Bio Sketch

Isabel Caves is a haiku poet living in Auckland, New Zealand. Her haiku have appeared in several journals including Stardust Haiku, Wales Haiku Journal and Femkumag. She is a regular contributor to the Haiku Pea Podcast.

1 comment:

  1. Thematically (about donation), visually (coin-shaped eyes) and emotionally ( hard work from one house to another) speaking, this is a fine example of shasei (sketch from life) haiku with a senryu spirit.

    FYI: On Oct 19, 2022, the Girl Scouts of the USA announced a $84.5 million gift from the billionaire, the biggest donation from a single benefactor in the organization's history.
