Thursday, April 27, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Woodfire Haiku by Alan Summers

English Original

flickering in the silence
corralled horses

Modern Haiku, 26:3, 1995

Alan Summers

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Alan Summers is President of the United Haiku and Tanka Society, and co-founder of Call of the Page. He enjoys watching classic episodes of Dr. Who, all over again, as his ten year old nephew has discovered them for himself. Website:

1 comment:

  1. 1. Movement-to-movement transitions present basic movements occurring:...

    The middle line of this haiku published by Modern Haiku is what we would call a pivot line. The movement of the wood-burning fire (think camp fire) is throwing up shadows, so that flames and shadows, this is a night scene and people are tucked into their sleeping bags, are flickering. As the horses mill around their movement is caught up by the flames throwing shadows around. If there was no fire, and no flickering flames, there would be no flickering shadows. We can imagine continuous movements being picked up by the light of the flickering flames making everything else flicker too... excerpted from "To the Lighthouse: The Unseen Go-Between in Haiku by Alan Summers," accessed at
