Saturday, July 1, 2023

A Room of My Own: That's It

Canada Day
through wildfire smoke
the squawk of gulls

fireworks over ...
the distance between stars
and our silence 

FYI: CNBC, Climate, June 30Four North American cities now near worst air quality in the world

Key Points:

1 New York; Washington, D.C.; Montreal; and Toronto have some of the worst air quality in the world, according to an AQI tracking service.

2 Canadian wildfires have sent smoky air around much of North America over the last few weeks.

3 The effect of the wildfires has been significantly worsened by climate change, researchers have found.

Added: reading between the lives and writing between the lines, LXX

firework-lit sky
my veteran friend sleeps 
with a gun

Addedreading between the lives and writing between the lines, LXXI

our football team
lines up for O' Canada
in the center
a Black player looks up
at the sky, endless blue

Added: This Brave New World, XCII

a rowdy white man
held face down on the airport floor
by policemen
he screams, you’re treating me
like a fucking black person

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