Monday, July 3, 2023

Butterfly Dream: Boots Haiku by Rp Verlaine

English Original

pink haze of dawn
the farmer puts on boots
with yesterday's mud 

Chrysanthemum, 29, 2021

Rp Verlaine

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Rp Verlaine lives and writes in New York City. He has an MFA in creative writing from City College. He taught in New York public schools for many years. No longer teaching, he continues to write and do photography in New York. He has published five books, Damaged by Dames & Drinking, Femme Fatales Movie Starlets & Rockers, and a set of three e-books, Lies From The Autobiography, vols.1-3. And his poetry has appeared in various online and print journals.

1 comment:

  1. The jux. of this understated shasei haiku about a hardworking farmer is
    visually evocative (L1) and emotionally and symbolically rich (Ls 2&3).

    Rp's haiku reminds me of one of mine about my hardworking father.

    the sound
    of father's work boots
    light of dawn

    NeverEnding Story, June 15, 2019
