Saturday, July 8, 2023

One Man's Maple Moon: Milky Night Tanka by Jun Fujita

English Original

Milky night; 
Through slender trees in drowse
A petal --

Jun Fujita

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

一片花瓣 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

一片花瓣 --

Bio Sketch

Jun Fujita (1888-1963) was born in a village near Hiroshima, Japan, and immigrated to Canada as a teenager. By 1915, he was in Chicago, where he worked for the Evening Post, known as the first Japanese-American photo-journalist. He was also an accomplished poet,  arguably the first master of tanka poetry in English. He certainly was a master of the rhetoric of omission or, as he put it, "that fine and illusive mood, big enough to illuminate the infinity of the universe," which is a defining characteristic of tanka. And his Tanka: Poems in Exile, first English language collection of tanka, was published in 1923. The flip-flop ebook version can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Under the milky night, L1, the slow descent of a petal through the trees depicted in Ls 2-4 is visually and emotionally evocative.
