Monday, July 24, 2023

Poetic Musings: Thought Haiku by our thomas

the hole in the thought of a snake in the wall

Haiku Section, 2021 Trailblazer 
our thomas

Commentary by the judge, Kat Lehmann: ... The structure of this poem is interesting, and a quick read might see it as a nonsense poem. But “the hole in the thought” provides our gateway into the poem. The “hole” could refer to the physical means of gathering sensory information for the brain to process, or it could be abstract, such as Leonard Cohen’s crack for the light (of understanding, in this case) to enter. Taken further, the “wall” could refer to a literal housing of the mind or, again, it could be abstract, as with the selfhood that separates us into individuals...

Note: This boundary-blurring/breaking haiku reminds me of the following snake haiku:

a grass snake
escaping into
my thought of it

Honorable Mention, 2010 Haiku Now! International Haiku Contest

Anatoly Kudryavitsky

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