Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Cold Moon Haiku by Bill Kenney

English Original

cold moon
the sound of my words
in her eyes

tinywords, 15:2, October 28 2015

Bill Kenney

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Translation result紙箱

Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch 
Born and raised in the Boston area, and living for over 50 years in New York City, Bill Kenney was a professor for many years in the English Department at Manhattan College. He started writing haiku in 2004, a month before his 72nd birthday, and became an active participant in the New York City Spring Street Haiku group. His haiku were published in numerous journals and anthologies. And his collection of haiku, keep walking, won the 2021 Touchstone Distinguished Book Awards.

1 comment:

  1. The action (the sound of "my words") and reaction ([reflected] in "her eyes") under the full Moon in December, known for the long, cold nights.

    A frosty relationship is well depicted in this multi-sensorily evocative relationship haiku.

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of my haiku below:

    cold moon ...
    I want to touch her
    into words

    Simply Haiku, 10:2, winter 2013
