Sunday, June 23, 2024

Poetic Musings: Skylark Haiku by Basho

in the midst of the plain
sings the skylark
free of all things

Haiku, Volume 2: Spring, 1950, translated by R. H. Blyth 

Commentary: In her introduction to Moss-Hung Trees: Haiku of the West Coast, Winona Baker writes: “Haiku is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. It has been written during festivals, parties, nature tours, walks, and other delightful diversions... a voice to the spirit of union when nature and human nature become one. That moment, which sharpens our awareness of the natural world around us and our inseparable relationship to it, is without boundaries.” And she concludes the introduction with Basho's skylark haiku, an example of her view of haiku.

FYI: My haiku below was inspired by Basho's:

this field
of rippling gold ...
skylark song

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