Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Bellflower Haiku by vincent tripi

English Original

Beside the waterfall …
opening with all its blue
the bellflower
Between God & the pine, 1997

vincent tripi 

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

瀑布旁 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

瀑布旁 ...

Bio Sketch

Founder of The Haiku Circle, vincent tripi was closely associated with the spiritual movement in American Haiku. He wrote haiku for over 35 years, and published 14 books of haiku. Most of his haiku reflect a Buddhist foundation.

1 comment:

  1. This haiku is so rich in imagery with color and the coolness of spring. The majestic waterfall in itself is such a full image, with the loud sound of splashing water, the smell of fresh water, and the deep blue and white currents that are splashing down the rocks. Beside the powerful, gigantic force of nature is a single, tiny bellflower growing wild, probably nurtured from the spraying water of the waterfall, and majestic also in its proud, open display of its vibrant blue. Although the bellflower may be only a tiny speck compared to the huge blue waterfall, it is still as beautiful and mighty in its full effort and proudest display for nature. The tiny flower and the waterfall side by side are equally tied to the Earth, and yet again we see tripi’s transcendental use of a bind for all things.

    -- excerpted from "Kay Millikin on Vincent Tripi's Haiku," accessed at
