Monday, October 21, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Thoughts & Moon Haiku by Marian Olson

English Original

thoughts of other nights
              somewhere for you too
this moon

Mann Library’s Daily Haiku, May 16, 2014

Marian Olson

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Marian Olson, non-fiction writer and widely published international poet, was the author of nine books of poetry, including the award winning haiku in Songs of the Chicken YardDesert HoursConsider This, and Moondance. Published in 2017, The Other and Kaleidoscope were her first books of tanka.

1 comment:

  1. The emotional twist ("other nights" in L1, not tonight as indicated in L3, "this" moon) and turn ("somewhere" [not here and now] for you "too") is skillfully employed in this emotionally ambiguous relationship haiku.

    And my 2-line haiku below could be read a sequel/poetic response to Marian's:

    lone face in the window ...
    a full moon of one love ago

    Revision Best of Haiku, Under the Basho, 2014
