Tuesday, May 23, 2017

One Man's Maple Moon: Gust of Wind Tanka by Bob Lucky

English Original

a gust of wind
and all the leaves but one
flutter to the ground --
and then and then and
then until the end                    

Ribbons, 9:3, Winter 2014

Bob Lucky

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

都被搖落到地面 --
然後 然後 然後

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

都被摇落到地面 --
然後 然後 然後

Bio Sketch

Bob Lucky is the author of the chapbook Ethiopian Time and the content editor at Contemporary Haibun Online. He lives in Saudi Arabia.

1 comment:

  1. Bob's audacious use of repetition is emotionally effective, not only expanding the reader's mental space but also lifting the poem up a notch. This tanka reminds me of one of my own:

    a red leaf
    to the ground ...
    the sound
    of loneliness

    Ribbons, 13:1, Winter 2017

    Note: for more info. about the effective use of repetition, see my "To the Lighthouse" post, titled "Repetition, Repetition, Repetition," which can be accessed at http://neverendingstoryhaikutanka.blogspot.ca/2013/04/to-lighthouse-repetition-repetition.html
