Thursday, February 7, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Winter Solstice Haiku by Maria Laura Valente

English Original

winter solstice --
the warmth in your voice
I no longer hear

Cattails, April 2017

Maria Laura Valente

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

冬至 --
Chinese Translation (Simplified)

冬至 -- 

Bio Sketch

Maria Laura Valente is an Italian poet and a literature teacher. Lately, she has won several Italian haiku and poetry contest. Her English haiku and senryu have been published in international journals and columns. Her new Italian poetry book, Lustralia – Abluzioni Liriche, was published in 2016. and her first haiku collection, La carezza del vento, was published in 2017.

1 comment:

  1. The juxtaposition of winter solstice (longest night of the year) and no warmth in the voice of one's beloved one is emotionally resonant and relatable (to some of us at some point in our lives).
