Sunday, December 6, 2020

Special Feature: TSA 20th Anniversary Taiga Showcase

My Dear Readers:

To commemorate the Tanka Society of America's 20th anniversary, Susan Burch solicited and compiled "taiga" (haiga featuring tanka) to display on the society's Facebook page. And Christine L. Villa put together a video featuring these taiga and posted it on YouTube, titled TSA 20th Anniversary Taiga Showcase

Selected Tanka (featured in Taiga Showcase):

beginning again
without you
every day
a journey
into foreign lands

Julie Thorndyke

slowly I surrender
to my hearing loss
the quietness
of hard rain
pelting windows

Pamela A. Babusci

in this world
love has no color --
yet how deeply
my body
is stained by yours

Izumi Shikibu

through the redwoods
this existence
bigger than my mind
can grasp

Susan Burch

hair damp
from the salt air
my toes
anchor into this strange beach
your last kiss still lingering

Pris Campbell

in the window sill ...
how long
until I feel the earth
under my feet

Julie Bloss Kelsey

Happy Viewing/Reading


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