Saturday, July 30, 2022

One Man's Maple Moon: Drizzly Day Tanka by Larry Kimmel

English Original

a drizzly day,
with yellow leaves pasted
to wet black pavement --
returning the library books
she left behind

tangerine anthology, 2002

Larry Kimmel

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

在潮濕黑色的路面 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

在潮湿黑色的路面 --

Bio Sketch

Larry Kimmel lives quietly in the hills of western Massachusetts.  His most recent books  are shards and dust (cherita), outer edges (tanka) and thunder and apple blossoms (haiku).

1 comment:

  1. Technically speaking, this is a good example of what American poet Archibald MacLeish calls "coupled images:" One image is established by words which make it sensuous and vivid to the the eyes or ears or touch-to any of the senses. Another image is put beside it. And "a meaning appears which is neither the meaning of one image nor the meaning of the other nor even the sum of both but a consequence of both -- a consequence of both in their conjunction, in their relation to each other" (Krishna Rayan, Suggestion and Statement in Poetry, p.69). It is in the "space between'" that the poem grows.

    And in terms of theme, emotions, and mood, the contrasts between the two parts of this relationship tanka written in an understated tone are effective.
