Friday, October 27, 2023

Poetic Musings: Lonely Maneuver Tanka by Sanford Goldstein

I spit
on tonight’s lonely
I floss,
I scribble poems

Sanford Goldstein 

Commentary: Written in a traditional style of "Onihishigitei (demon-quelling force, characterized by its “strong or even vulgar diction" (Japanese Court Poetry, p. 406),  Sanford's "I tanka" effectively depicts its speaker's character through a well-chosen set of verbs ("spit," "floss," and "scribble) with a [lonely] performative act, "maneuver," in the central line.

And it might be interesting to do a comparative reading of my "loneliness tanka" below :

at midnight
my thoughts and hand moving
across the page:
I tanka-barricade
the door to loneliness

Skylark, 3:2, Winter 2015

FYI: For more information about Onihishigitei, see my "To the Lighthouse" post, "Onihishigitei, Style of Demon-Quelling Force"


Brower, Robert and Miner, Earl, Japanese Court Poetry, Stanford University Press, 1988, p. 406), 

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