Thursday, May 30, 2024

Butterfly Dream: Bumblebee Haiku by Ignatius Fay

English Original

bumblebee flitting
among the meadow flowers
humming to itself

Haiga Moments: Pens and Lens, 2008

Ignatius Fay

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified) 


Bio Sketch

Ignatius Fay was a retired invertebrate paleontologist. His poems has appeared in many of the most respected online and print journals, including The Heron’s NestModern HaikuArs Poetica, Gusts,Chrysanthemum and Eucalypt. Books: Breccia (2012), a collaboration with fellow haiku poet, Irene Golas; Points In Between (2011), an anecdotal history of his first 23 years. He was the editor of the Haiku Society of America Bulletin

1 comment:

  1. Ls 1&2 depict a lovely yet typical spring flowers scene while unexpected yet delightly playful L3 makes this bumblebee haiku freshly effective, enhancing the "hai" aspect of the haiku.

    And it might be interesting to do a thematic comparison reading of the following haiku:

    lilac in full bloom --
    bees bumping
    into bees

    Haiku Canada Members' Anthology , 2012

    Carole MacRury
