Friday, August 9, 2024

A Room of My Own: Threesome

simmering heat 
every touch of her

you ask, I answer
last light of day

my body alone
night chill deepening

FYI: This [first] 2-line haiku sequence is written in response to the following:

After Dusk

the firefly
is fueling

however small
light lovers

our bodies
to light

Listen to Light, 1980

Raymond Roseliep

Added: reading between the lives and writing between the lines, LXXXVI

shooting her husband
in the heart three times
the neighbour 
said nothing... and yet
everything to each of us

FYI: This could be read as a sequl to my tanka below:

a winter fog
smothers the winding road
to her mother's house
the bruises on her face
say everything & nothing

Bulgarian and English Tanka Handbook (edited by Dimitar Anakiev), 2022

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, LXXXVII: "Life still goes on"

by rubble that was once his home
this Gazan man
flashes a defiant smile ...
his X post reads, Life still goes on

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, LXXXVIII: "settler violence"

a settler aims his gun | a child throws his rock

FYI: NBC News, August 8: The silent war: Settler violence in the West Bank surges since Oct. 7

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