Friday, November 8, 2013

Butterfly Dream: Deep Fall Haiku by Damir Janjalija

English Original

five, seven, five
I count on my fingers
deep fall

Imprints of dreams

Damir Janjalija

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Damir Janjalija, aka Damir Damir, was born in 1977 in Kotor, Montenegro. He is a sailor, a wanderer, and a poet who wakes up every morning to a different now. He published a bilingual haiku book, Imprints of dreams, in 2012.


  1. The shift in theme and imagery makes this haiku emotionally effective, and read in the context of the ELH tradition, the seasonal reference works well on at least two levels, literal and symbolic.

    There are striking contrasts between Damir's meta-haiku and Ron Padgett’s below in dealing with a similar issue: the syllabic structure of a haiku.

    First: five syllables
    Second: seven syllables
    Third: five syllables

    For a detailed analysis, see my "Poetic Musings" post, titled Ron Padgett’s "Haiku," which can be accessed at

  2. Below is a relevant excerpt from Saša Važić's article, "An interview with Damir Janjalija," which was first published in Simply Haiku, 9:1, 2011

    SV: What is haiku to you and why have you chosen this ancient poetry form to express your inner being?

    DJ: Well, first of all, haiku is a game for me. When I get fed up with the stupidity of the adult world, the boy in me will sit and sometimes count syllables on his fingers for hours, completelly surrendering to the joy of this game.

    I’ve chosen haiku because of its form, which enables me to harmoniously, with a few simple words, express the truth about some small-big things, and I find that the joy of life is hidden just in them.

  3. Damir, a promising boy, Damir, a rising star, Damir, an honest and humble human being!

    Thanks, Chen-ou, thank you, Damir!
