Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cool Announcement: A Freebie, Calliope / My Ex: Love / Trouble Maker, at Scribd

My Dear Fellow Poets/Readers:

Calliope/My Ex: Love/Trouble Maker, a 27-tanka sequence written on October 25th, 2013, 42nd anniversary of the expulsion of Taiwan (Officially the Republic of China) from the United Nations, was first published in the 18th (July 2014) issue of Atlas Poetica, whose editor, M. Kei, remarks that  “[Calliope/My Ex: Love/Trouble Maker] has a theme of mythology, the supernatural, … etc.”

Based on the principles of progression and association employed in Japanese court poetry (for more information, see "To the Lighthouse: Principles of Progression and Association in Tanka Sequences"), Calliope/My Ex: Love/Trouble Maker is a sequence of tanka about writing, love, sex, mythology, power relation, sociopolitics,...etc.

I hope you will enjoy this tanka sequence as much as I did.

Many thanks for your continued support of my writing.


Selected Tanka:

for hours in dim light
the muse and I
straddle the thin line
between pleasure and pain

on top in the sex scenes
of a movie ...
my ex does the same
in my winter dreams

for a week
writing poems for my blind date
the muse and I
like two mice with our legs
caught in a glue trap

the chill air
this Easter morning ...
Miss Lee,
my ex and the muse
morph into one

in Summertime
and moonlight
Fan Lee whispers
my tanka of longing

La petite mort
rolling off her tongue ...
for me now
there is no separation
between sex and poetry
(for Roland Barthes)

when I remember
my ex's cutting remark
something shrinks

Fan and my ex
carve out their spaces
in my thoughts
the harvest moon hangs high
over the Taiwan Strait

Fan cries out,
Your ex stands between us ...
water stains
on my first chapbook,
The Border as Fiction

the muse’s face
in the lake of my mind
I fish for words
from our ancient past

You can read the whole sequence of 27 tanka here.

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