Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Butterfly Dream: Winter Leaf Haiku by Marianne Paul

English Original

winter leaf --
how she cups the pills
in her hand
Acorn, 33, Fall 2014

Marianne Paul

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

冬葉 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

冬叶 --

Bio Sketch

Marianne Paul is a Canadian novelist and poet with a keen interest in Japanese-form minimalist poetry. Her haiku have been published in A Hundred Gourds, The Heron's Nest, Acorn, Modern Haiku, Gems, cattails, Bones, and Frozen Butterfly. She was a contributor to the Spring/Summer 2014 publishing cycle on Daily Haiku. You can learn more about her work at

1 comment:

  1. Marianne's heartfelt haiku is structured with a deep emotional undercurrent. L1 establishes the seasonal context while the vivid depictions of body language in Ls 2&3 enhances the mood of the poem.

    On a second reading, L1 carries symbolic significance (a fragile life in a cold and harsh environment)
