Thursday, December 31, 2015

Butterfly Dream: New Year's Eve Haiku by Lavana Kray

English Original

New Year's eve --
the wind returns
my old hat

Ardea, 5, 2015

Lavana Kray

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

除夕夜 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

除夕夜 --

Bio Sketch

Lavana Kray is from Iasi-Romania. She is a photographer who is interested in haiku. Her poems have been published in many online and print journals, such as Frogpond, Haiku Canada Review, Asahi Shimbun, The Mainichi, A Hundred Gourds, and Daily Haiga. She was included on the list of "European Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors" in 2013.

1 comment:

  1. L1 establishes the thematic context while a humorous twist in L3 not only provides a "scent link" (in Basho's sense of the phrase) to L1, but also prepares the reader to usher in the new year.

    A understated haiku with an aesthetic focus on the "hai."
