Saturday, December 16, 2017

Poetic Musings: Without the Middle. A Tanka Sequence by Chen-ou Liu

Without the Middle

on a blade of grass
at twilight
this lingering fear,
I want a divorce

surge of the wind ...
her voice hardens
into its rigid strength,
I love you, Eric,
but I can't stand you anymore

all those nights
her moist smile nuzzled
the nape of my neck ...
now in the dim light
one wedding pillow left

a white trail
left in the winter sky
by her plane --
I still wait for the turn
and wave of her hand

Third Prize, Haiku Canada Tanka Story Contest, 2016

Chen-ou Liu

Judge's Comment by Angela Leuck (Haiku Canada Review, 10:1, February 2016, p. 47): The story is enhanced by effective and contrasting imagery: the poet refers to delicate, transitory phenomenon like "dewdrops" and a plane's "white trail," while the wife's steely determination to leave is indicated by the use of strong words like "blade," "hardens" and 'rigid strength." The poet also evokes endings through reference to the day's end: "twilight" and "dim light."

1 comment:

  1. The following tanka sequence, "Happy Families Are All Alike,' could be read as a prequel to the tanka sequence above:

    Happy Families Are All Alike

    she and I
    sit across the table
    in the morning
    bearing the silence
    of another new year

    and yet living quietly
    under the same roof
    we used to share
    a ripe pomegranate

    she can’t stand me
    even in a photo
    bits and pieces
    of our honeymoon
    drifting into the dark

    Atlas Poetica, 21, 2015

    Chen-ou Liu
