Thursday, February 1, 2018

Butterfly Dream: Wild Strawberries Haiku by Gregory Longenecker

English Original

wild strawberries
I remember
our tangled legs

bottle rockets, 28, 2013

Gregory Longenecker

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Gregory Longenecker’s work has appeared in numerous publications in the United States and abroad and was featured in A New Resonance, 9 by Red Moon Press. Two editions of the Red Moon Anthologies of English-language haiku have carried his work (2013 & 2014) and Modern Haiku Press, Haiku 2014 and Haiku 2016, as well. Currently on the editorial staff of the Living Haiku Anthology Gregory was a co-judge in the Haiku Society of America’s 2016 Haibun Contest.

1 comment:

  1. In this sensual haiku with a visually evocative and symbolically rich juxtaposition of "wild strawberries" and "tangled legs," what's left unsaid is at least as potent as what's said. And this haiku reminds me of one of the iconic images from Ingmar Bergman's film, "Wild Strawberries," by which the following tanka was inspired:

    the juice
    flows between my teeth
    with the memory
    of wild strawberries
    we picked together
    (for Ingmar Bergman)

    NeverEnding Story, July 20, 2017

    Chen-ou Liu
