Thursday, November 22, 2018

Butterfly Dream: Words and Coffee Haiku by Larry Kimmel

English Original

her words, my coffee
cold & bitter

bottle rockets, 32, 2015

Larry Kimmel

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Larry Kimmel lives quietly in the hills of western Massachusetts.  His most recent books  are shards and dust (cherita), outer edges (tanka) and thunder and apple blossoms (haiku).

1 comment:

  1. Combined with the effective use of a midline break (",") that successfully plays a symbolic role in this minimalist relationship haiku, these two thematically significant and emotionally rich adjectives (L2, "cold" and "bitter") are layered with multiple meanings that help shape the reader's understanding of L1 (her "words" and my "coffee").
