Sunday, April 7, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Heap Clouds Haiku by Dietmar Tauchner

English Original

heap clouds
she shapes
a smile                           

Frogpond, 40:3, Fall 2017

Dietmar Tauchner   

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Dietmar Tauchner, born in 1972 in Austria, lives & works in Puchberg & Vienna, as a social-worker / counselor, author and lover. His work has been published in various magazines & anthologies worldwide. He received some awards, as the Taisho (Grand Prize) at the International Kusamakura Haiku Competition in Kumamoto, Japan, in 2013; and received the Second Place for Noise of Our Origin (Red Moon Press, Winchester, 2013) at the 2014 HSA Mildred Kanterman Merit Book Awards

1 comment:

  1. Dietmar's good choice of verb, "shapes," provides a "scent link" (in Basho's sense of the phrase) to the evocative opening image, "heap clouds."

    A moment is keenly captured in this fine haiku.
