Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Butterfly Dream: Splash of Sunlight Haiku by Lucia Cardillo

English Original

splash of sunlight --
in its own shadow
one butterfly

Haikuniverse, August 4, 2017

Lucia Cardillo

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

陽光飛濺 --

Chinese Translation (Simplified)

阳光飞溅 --

Bio Sketch

Lucia Cardillo lives in Rodi Garganico (Foggia) Italia with her husband and two sons. She began writing haiku in July 2016 and never stopped since then. Her haiku have been published in various online and print  journals, such as The Mainichi, The Asahi, Otata, Failed Haiku, Haikuniverse, THF, Brass Bell, Stardust, Under the BashoWales Haiku Jounal, etc.

1 comment:

  1. A moment is keenly captured in this imagistic haiku, and its fresh and evocative opening image effectively enhances the visually and emotionally suggestive power.
