corner beggar change is everywhere
tinywords, 10:3, December 30, 2010
George Swede
Chinese Translation (Traditional)
Chinese Translation (Simplified)
Bio Sketch
George Swede's most recent collections of haiku are Almost Unseen (Decatur, IL: Brooks Books, 2000), Joy In Me Still (Edmonton: Inkling Press, 2010) and micro haiku: three to nine syllables (Inspress, 2014). He is a former editor of Frogpond: Journal of the Haiku Society of America (2008-2012) and a former Honorary Curator of the American Haiku Archives (2008-2009).
Juxtaposed with corner beggar, the dual meaning of change (one infused with sociopolitical significance and the other few coins) makes this haiku visually and emotionally poignant.