Thursday, August 27, 2020

Butterfly Dream: Darkness Haiku by Laurence Stacey

English Original

one into another darkness cicadas

Laurence Stacey

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Laurence Stacey is a teacher of peace and conflict studies at Kennesaw State University where he recently completed his PhD.

1 comment:

  1. Thematically and emotionally speaking, the quick pace of a one-liner works effectively for this "ichibutsu shitate" about cicadas, and this fresh and visually and psychologically gloomy phrasing (one /into another darkness)makes this haiku emotionally effective.


    Shado remarked: “The Master[Basho] once told me, ‘The hokku is not, as you believe, something that brings together two or three different things. Compose the hokku so that it flows like gold being hit and flattened by a hammer …”
    Kyorai: “If a poet composes by combining separate things, he can compose many verses and compose them quickly. Beginning poets should know this. But when one becomes an accomplished poet, it is no longer a question of combining or not combining …”

    -- excerpted from my "To the Lighthouse" post, "Ichibutsu Shitate (One-Image/Object/Topic Haiku)," accessed at
