Monday, October 12, 2020

A Room of My Own: Canadian Thanksgiving Haiku

for American expats in Canada

Thanksgiving dinner
Trump hats and Biden fly swatters
left on the  doormat


Times Now, October 10, updated: 'Truth over Flies': Joe Biden's campaign sells out 35,000 fly swatters hours after Vice-Presidential debate. For further information, see CNN Business, October 8: The Biden campaign started selling fly swatters right after the debate. They've already sold out.

2 FYI: CBC News, October 5: The push to get (650,000 -- 1,000,000) Americans in Canada to vote in 2020 election.


  1. It might be interesting to do a comparative reading of the following tanka written on Canadian Thanksgiving Day, 2019:

    written in response to "How to handle hot-potato election issues at Thanksgiving dinner:"

    the Maple Leaf
    swinging this way
    and that ...
    a No Politics sign
    on the dining room wall

    1. The following haiku could be read as poetic responses to the "No Politics" Thanksgiving dinner:

      thanksgiving dinner
      between mouthfuls
      pin-drop silence

      Chen-ou Liu

      thanksgiving leftovers
      all the things we
      didn’t say

      Sondra Byrnes
