Saturday, January 30, 2021

Butterfly Dream: Long Weekend Haiku by Mary Gunn

English Original

long weekend ...
the cat and I
both sleep late

Wild Voices Anthology, ll, 2018

Mary Gunn

Chinese Translation (Traditional)

長周末 ...

Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

In addition to haiku and tanka, Mary Gunn writes other forms of poetry and short stories. Her writing has been published both online and in print, in a variety of journals and magazines, in Ireland and overseas.

1 comment:

  1. L1 sets the tone and mood while Ls 2&3 enhance the "hai" aspect of this lighthearted haiku.

    And the following Caturday haiku could be read as a sequel to Mary's:

    from the curl of a blanket
    the cat stretches into
    a yawn

    Chrysanthemum, 19, 2016

    Ben Moeller-Gaa
