Thursday, June 2, 2022

One Man's Maple Moon: Poet's Dilemma Tanka by Eve Castle

English Original

a poet's
greatest dilemma
a rosebud
about to bloom
civilians killed in battle

Bright Stars, 6, 2014

Eve Castle

Chinese Translation (Traditional)


Chinese Translation (Simplified)


Bio Sketch

Eve Castle started writing short form poetry in 2012. Her poetry has been published with Bright Stars: An Organic Tanka Anthology, The Poetry Pea Journal, Fireflies’ Light, the Wales Haiku Journal, The Ghazal Page, Literary Juice, Gravel Magazine, and others. Find her on Twitter @Eve_Castle

1 comment:

  1. Eve's tanka effectively builds, line by line, to a thematically significant and visually and emotionally powerful ending that reveals a thought-provoking, "seemingly unreconcilable"(greatest dilemma) issue about the theme of a poet's work, one that furthers challenges each and every "aspiring poet' to think long and hard about the role of a poet/the purpose of a poem.

    The following tanka (with a classic tanka scene, like Eve's Ls 3&4, in the upper part, and an effective twist in its lower part responding to Eve's L5) might give us a hint in the direction of where there is a creative way out of this "greatest dilemma:"

    moonlight's silver glaze
    on leaves and grass,
    on the jungle stream,
    on the faces of soldiers
    prepared to kill

    Dorothy McLaughlin
